To fill example sentences

As you have learnt earlier, the atomic number of hydrogen is Hence hydrogen has one electron in its K shell and it requires one more electron to fill the K shell.Once he wrote to the residents that it was time to fill in the old latrine trenches and dig new ones otherwise the old ones would begin to smell bad.Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a nomination form and give some money as security deposit .A family gets to fill a maximum of three buckets within this time.Use the diagram shown in the margin to fill in the blanks below.Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a 'nomination form' and give some money as 'security deposit'.For example, a gas expanding to fill the available volume, burning carbon in dioxygen giving carbon dioxide.For the first time in four days, the survivors at the cyclone shelter were able to fill their bellies.The discovery of the first two noble gases helium and argon in 1890 suggested the possibility that there must be other similar elements to fill an entire family.Sometimes election is held only for one constitutency to fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member.Sometimes election is held only for one constitutency to fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member.A huge mass of ocean water flowed to fill in the gap that was being created by the displacement.The smoke began to fill the room so quickly that we could barely see.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English